The Runner and Chaser Twin flame and Soulmate Dynamic

The runner and chaser dynamic in a soul connection are relevant to all soul connections but are most common with twinflames.
The runner and chaser dynamic can change roles for each side of the relationship. It begins when one or both spirits are not spiritually enlightened and their conscious mind does not understand what exactly is happening and becomes confused. Basically the runner will run (typically the masculine energy) and the chaser will chase after the runner (typically the feminine energy). But they can alternate.
The runner is not spiritually aware of what’s going on between them and their soulmate. They are overwhelmed from the intensity of the connection. The runner does not understand what’s going on and feels like their losing control of everything. The runner tries to escape from this relationship and tries to avoid their partner.
The chasers are the ones with the more powerful vessel. They can feel the intensity of the relationship. They understand that what they have between them and the runner is so very important. This love leaves the chaser with an enduring feeling that they just can’t forget, even if they don’t know what to expect.
Typically, the chaser wants some type of commitment and wants to unite with the runner. They want the runner to give into the connection they share and will do anything that they can to do so. This might even make them seem foolish on the outside, sending them numerous text messages, emails, phone calls or searching for them. The chaser just wants a response from them.
The chaser chases after the runner. But the more the chaser tries to chase after them, then the more the runner just keeps on running. Thus creating an emotional chaos.
But truth of the matter is the runners aren’t really running away from the chasers. They are actually just running away from themselves. Chasers are the reflections of runners. The chaser brings up all that they don’t want to deal with. The runners can’t handle this and start running. Sadly enough sometimes the runners can go years running from the chaser.
This emotional chaos just leaves the chaser with an overwhelming feeling of hurt and confusion. It’s an immense emotional pain they feel. Leaving the chaser wandering and wanting to understand what just completely happened. They question everything that went on and why things ended so abruptly. They don’t have closure. But, after they have come to a complete understanding, and awareness of what just occurred to them, it will then lead to a spiritual awakening for the chaser.
The chaser understands this passionate divines of this relationship. Knowing that no matter what, they belong together with the runner. They have to be patient and just wait for the runner to come to an awareness of this intense connection they share. This is a very difficult time for the chaser.
The chaser mustn’t run after the runner. Instead they must realize that what they are doing to someone whom they claim to love is not love to themselves or the runners. Instead they must release their demands, let go of the relationship and take care of their own needs. They need to free themselves and grow spiritually. Appreciate all that they are and all that they have to offer rather than looking at themselves as “At fault” or “not good enough”.
A chaser might get frustrated and angry over dealing with all of this chaos by the runner. These frustrations are a wise teacher on what still needs healing and working within the chaser.
The running and chasing finally stops when the both the chaser and runner have completely healed from their pain both from each other and other times. The runner receives a spiritual enlightment, and then both the runner chaser reunites. They can now live happily ever after.