Separated From Twin Flame On Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and your divine counterpart is all you’re thinking of. Whether you are in union or not, I am here to...

Manifest Twin Flame Union (This works for Soulmates too!!)
Twin flame connections are the highest form of spiritual partnership, your twin flame reunion was orchestrated by yourself, your twin,...

November 11 Gateway Love & Twin Flames
Get ready because on November 11th, there will be a spiritual gateway, and it will be very powerful!! This gateway will be making our...

How The Full Moon Affects Love & Relationships
A full moon l ands Wednesday on October 20th, 2021 and it will be in one of my favorite zodiacs, Aries! The main influence on the full...

10/10 Powerful Gateway Awakening Twin Flames
The 10th day of October (10/10) unlocks a powerful gateway of energy that is all about taking steps in a new direction. It is also a...

How September's Mercury Retrograde Affects Soulmates, Twin Flames & Dating Life
It’s that time of year again! Mercury will be in retrograde on Monday, September 27, 2021 and will be in the lovely air sign Libra!...

How Autumn Equinox Affects Twin Flames & Soulmates
The autumn equinox is here! On September 22/23, 2021, the Sun will cross the celestial equator marking the Equinox, where it will be a...

Why You Shouldnt Wait On Your Twin Flame (This Can Help For Soulmate Relationships TOO!)
Most often twin flames come into a phase called “The runner and chaser phase” or “the runner and stayer phase.” This is where one twin...

Lions Gate Portal What It Is & It's Affects On Love and Soul Connections
Every year, On the 8th day of the 8th month we begin a new lunar cycle under the presence of what’s known as the Lions Gateway Portal and...

Spring Equinox Affects on Love & spirituality
The key word of spring is creation. Spring is a rebirth of stored energy that has been hibernating since the winter, this will be...