How To Prepare For Your Soulmate
A soulmate is someone who we are connected to on a spiritual level; we have a deep feeling of comfort and compatibility when we are...

The Importance Of Healthy Eating
Happy New Year 2015! It’s that time of year again New Year’s resolutions are being made and one of the most popular resolutions that are...

How To Attract Positive Energy
Building a successful life and self confidence all start with having a positive mindset. Having a positive mindset is having both a...
The Meaning of Being Clairvoyant
What is clairvoyant? Well, originally derived from the French Clair (clear) and voyant (seeing), it is a term describing a psychic who...

Spring Cleaning and Feng Shui Tips
Spring is finally here and now its time to clear away the untidiness and clutter of our lives so that we can make a new way for growth...

Types of Soul Connections
Soulmates and twinflames are 2 different concepts that we have been using to describe soul connections. But much confusion has arisen...