Using Feng Shui To Attract Your Soulmate and Twin flame Love
Spring is just around the corner! The first day of spring (or what's also known as the vernal equinox) is on March 20, 2016 at 12:30 AM PDT.
Spring is the time of starting new beginnings, celebration, manifesting in your dreams, and falling in love. Now is a great time to start spring cleaning in our homes, and a great way to do so is to use feng shui. This helps us promote positive energy in our lives and attract all that we desire.
The feng shui tradition is to bring positive energy into our lives and purify negative energy with creating balance in our surroundings. According to feng shui, the stronger and clearer you are in stating what you'd like to see happen in your life, the easier it is for the universe to send you your heart's desire
This is very important in maintaining the energy with spirituality and positivity in every aspect in our life. When there is an unbalanced energy chi with inside our home or workplace, the energy is not flowing correctly, thus becomes stagnant chi, that can bring negative feelings such as; depression, tension between soul mates and twin flames, arguments, frustration, laziness health issues, and even financial problems.
Here are a few simple feng shui tips that you can use to help harmonize your soulmate and twin flame relationship, as well as attract the romance and love that you desire in your life.
Enhance Communication
To awaken positive relationship energies, and have more open and agreeable communication with your soul mate or twin flame, first get a bowl with uncooked rice and top it with sea salt, (salt and rice are known to be the best negative energy absorbers.) Then place three clear crystals on top of the rice mixture making a triangle. Then place the bowl under your bed for seven weeks.
Attract Love By Surrounding Yourself With Doubles To Every Room
You will create the energy of partnership around you when you add doubles to every room. You can double up on things like nightstands, lamps, shelves, candles, pillows, and add a second chair to a sitting area. It is said to avoid solitary and lonesome images in art work and photographs because it will enforce you to draw in singularity.
Create Space For Your Future Or Current Soulmate and Twin flame
It is important that you create space for 2 in your bedroom to attract your future (or current) soulmate. Try to clear up at least 1\4 of your space in your bedroom, clear out a drawer your shelve and make space in your closets and bathrooms so they can have room to put their belongings in and they can feel like they can fit right in. Also add in artwork that has happy couples and more than one element. Peonies are also very encouraging in attracting love and romance in your life. When you're all done make sure to look around the room and make sure that the room gives off the feeling that a lovely couple loves each other there.
Making Space In Your Home for Energy To Flow Through And Have The Feeling Of Power And Peace.
When you have a cluttered and disorganized house this can leave you with a feeling of being "stuck" and at a standstills. It also keeps you from being productive and can even make you to procrastinate and get easily distracted from important tasks you may have. It also can prevent you from being proactive and productive in many areas of your life.
Get Rid Of The Things That No Longer Serve You
It's important to have everything in your house organized and thoroughly cleaned. It's also important that we get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose in our homes, if you haven't used these things in the last 3 years, or if these things might even remind of you of negative situations, or toxic people that you may have separated yourselves from then it's time to get rid of them or you can even donate them too. Holding on to any of these things can serve as negative energy that can keep us from moving forwards in our lives.
Heal A broken Heart Zest Up Your Life With Oranges!
Orange essential oils are considered an antidepressant and an effective treatment for emotional anxiety. Orange essential oils are very commonly used because their oils give off soothing, calming, and peaceful energy to an emotional situation as well as bring in harmony and serenity. Just simply mix water and 10 drops of the essential oil to a spray bottle and every morning just spray the mixture everywhere in your space. This will give off positive energy for your day Or for an even bigger dose of positive feelings try soaking yourself in a bath mixed with 2 cups of sea salt and 9 peelings form an orange for 20 minutes. You'll feel much hopeful. optimistic, enlightened and have more enthusiasm by doing this.
Clean under Your Bed
Our beds are connected much closely to our personal energy, and having a bed with clutter and dust underneath it can represent subconscious blocks in our relationships and personal life. Try to vacuum any dust that may have cluttered up and wash off any dirt that may have accumulated underneath your bed.
Build and encourage Positive Relationships With Your Partners, Family Members, Clients, and colleagues
If you just moved in to your new house, apartment or switched to a new office it's important to clean it thoroughly to get rid of any negative or conflicting energy from the previous owner. This also goes as well for after having a party or event too. Sometimes guests can walk in and may have some issues in their life's that you may absorb. To prevent this make sure to thoroughly clean your surroundings. Wash the walls and floors, clean up dust and cobwebs that may have been in the corners, remove dust from your windowsills and curtains too. Doing all of this will help you build a better relationship with your spouse\partners, coworkers, friends, family members, and clients, as well as have positive Chi (energy) flowing through your space.
To Attract Money Clean Your Kitchen
Attract Money By Cleaning Up Your Kitchen
To attract money try to clean up your kitchen. Our kitchens are tied to our ability to attract money, so its important to have it cleaned, make sure your stoves and fridges are cleaned, and everything is working properly. Also clean out your pantries and fridges too. Having outdated, unused foods leads to blockages of sheng (positive energy) and attract stagnant negative energy (Qi). Try filling your fridge up with fresh, healthy and nice smelling foods to attract Sheng Qi (positive energy).
Burn Sage
Try smudging dried white sage around you homes, offices, studios, and apartments. Burning sage has been done for centuries and comes from the native American healing and shamanic traditions of working with energy. Burning Sage helps purify the energy and release negative energy as well. It has also been scientifically proven that burning sage cleanses the surrounding air of harmful bacteria. The smoke from dried sage changes the ionic composition of the air, and can have a direct effect on lowering our stress response.
But ultimately Love yourself first. You are amazing!
Start taking care of yourself because you are the most important person in the world to you! You deserve love and affection from you. Try to find different ways to nourish your body with foods that make you feel good and function better. Eating foods that are natural, healthy, and clean will leave you feeling happy and energized. Our bodies were made to move, so exercise is also great too for loving yourself. Your body will look and feel amazing afterwards. You deserve love and affection from you.
There are so many things you can do to help self love. For more tips you can read my blog on Tips For Loving Yourself.
But ultimately, just remember that love is always there for you and It has and always will be there, just for you. The universe will send you your soulmate or reconnect you with your soulmate (or twin flame) when the time is right. You just have to be free and express who you are, have gratitude for everything you have been blessed with.
Allow your hopes and dreams to manifest to it’s highest, let Spring 2015 be your year for motivating others but most importantly accomplishing your goals and dreams.